The School of Education engages with twenty school systems and over 100 individual schools annually, representing geographically, racially, and socio-economically diverse communities. Our response to the most recent community conversations and demonstrations around race and equity renews our commitment to work with our students and programs of outreach in solidarity with teachers, administrators, and school communities to support education initiatives that break down barriers to learning and socio-emotional growth. We invite you to explore these recommendations and resources complied by School of Education faculty, and to reach out to individual faculty for additional support and consultation. Through our leadership and teacher professional networks, our Multnomah County Partnership for Educational Research, our over 100,000 annual hours of direct student service in schools, and our vast alumni network, we are committed to supporting education as a vital link in diminishing racial inequities in our schools and communities.
Web Resources and Recommendations:
Learning for Justice: Teaching About Race, Racism and Police Violence
Education for Liberation Network
Your Kids Aren't Too Young to Talk About Race: Resource Roundup
Anti-racism resources (Links/lists: Books, Podcasts, Articles, Videos, Film and TV series, and Organizations)
Combating Racism and Advocating for Social Justice (Excel spreadsheet with links)
Anti-Racism Resources for all ages
Teaching Channel – Resource Roundup: Leading for Concrete Change
Beyond Representation: African American Administrators’ Experiences as Reflections of Workforce Diversity Perspectives
School principals and racism: responding to Aveling
Why White Students Need Multicultural and Social Justice Education
Educating for Social Justice
Understand, Learn and Act: Teaching In the Midst of Mass Protests for Black Lives
Resources on the History of Policing and Today’s Calls for Reform
4 Actions Leaders Can Take for Racial Equity
A Cultural Lens Leads to More Effective Teaching
Anti-Racism 2020 - What You Can Do to Help
Historical Black Excellence Provides a Blueprint for Reimagining Education
Making SEL Culturally Competent – Teaching students about oppression and critical consciousness is a vital component of social-emotional learning.
Confronting Inequity / Unconscious Bias Hurts
The Power of Teacher Expectations
What White Colleagues Need to Understand
Book Resources and Recommendations:
Joe Truss’ Books for Anti-Racist Teachers
Seattle Public Library - Race & Social Justice Books for Kids K-5
New York Times An Antiracist Reading List (must login to view)
The Racial Healing Handbook by Annaliese Singh
White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard For White People to Talk About Racism by Robin Diangelo
How to Be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi
Education and the Politics of Difference by Ali Abdi and Ratna Ghosh
Ensouling Our Schools by Jennifer Katz
Teaching to Diversity by Jennifer Katz
RESOURCE TEACHERS A Changing Role in the Three-Block Model of Universal Design for Learning by Jennifer Katz
100 Children’s Books to help talk about Racism & Discrimination
Documentaries or Videos:
King in the Wilderness HBO documentary
Inequality in America: A look at the digital divide in home schooling (video)
Supporting Immigrant and Undocumented Students (video)
Other Resources and Recommendations:
Attacking an issue as complex and engrained as racism in our society (and in our schools) takes time to understand and act in a manner that impacts and changes practice. An example of such a process in Canada can be found here: Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
Multicultural Equality (Walk In Another's Shoes) is a phenomenally cool, 5-slide slideshow. Each slide has several diverse picture books you can open--all embedded in an engaging, relaxing context slide. Only one book requires an Epic! subscription to open, the rest are available to all. Excellent for elementary kids & teachers, parents of young children.
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