Meet Elizabeth Roshak, who is currently pursing her post master's reading intervention endorsement certificate after she graduated from UP School of Education's Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) program. Elizabeth has been teaching for over 3 years. She graduated with a Master's in secondary education and now teaches 7th grade Language Arts and Social Studies.
The post master’s certificate is offered on the University of Portland campus for licensed teachers who already hold a master’s degree.
The reading intervention endorsement advances teachers' abilities to provide reading instruction and to diagnose and remediate reading problems in diverse instructional settings.
ED 580 Elements of Reading P-12 (3 hrs)
ED 581 Reading, Language, and Cultural Diversity in Schools (3 hrs)
ED 582 Content Area Literacy (3 hrs)
ED 583 Diagnosis & Instruction of Learning Problems Related to Reading and Language Differences P-12 (3 hrs)
ED 584 Administration and Evaluation of Reading (3 hrs)
ED 564 Reading Practicum P-12 (3 hrs)
Course descriptions are available in the University of Portland Bulletin.
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Program Contact
Renee Petit
Academic Advisor, Graduate Programs & Licensure
Note: The reading intervention endorsement is also offered as a specialty option in the master of education (MEd) program and as a post baccalaureate certificate.
University of Portland
5000 N. Willamette Blvd.,
Portland, Oregon 97203-5798
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