MAT Testing Guidelines

Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) applicants must complete the below testing requirements.  These tests are required by the Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission and are designed to ensure that teaching candidates have the adequate content knowledge within the subject area that they seek licensure.

Passing scores are NOT required for acceptance to PACE, but all tests must be passed no later than June 30th (of the first summer) 

PACE recommends that all accepted candidates begin the testing process at the earliest possible date and preferably prior to arrival on campus for PACE Summer. In consultation with PACE administrators, candidates will be assisted in identifying which tests apply to each candidate's licensure plan.

Applicants interested in Elementary (Kindergarten - 5th)

Applicants interested in teaching Middle/High School (6th - 12th)

  • Candidates seeking licensure at middle school and/or high school levels must complete and pass the ORELA single-subject test in the area(s) he/she wishes to teach. 
  • To register and receive more information regarding test sites and dates go to the ORELA Tests page and select the area you wish to teach.

Testing Information and Deadline

  • Registration: Test dates and test preparation materials are available at the ORELA website.
  • Deadline: Tests must be taken and passed no later than July 15 (of the first summer).

Testing Questions

If you have questions about the testing requirements please contact the PACE team at